Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stella The Pug

StellaPug3 Stella is the thirteenth painting in my pet portrait series.  The painting is done in acrylic on 9 x 11 canvas.  She has such a beseeching look on her face as if to say, “just one more treat, please”.

Getting the colors in her coat just right, was a little tricky for me.  Since I do not work from an established palette, I had to play around with mixing a combination of colors, i.e.,  burnt umber, yellow ochre, burnt sienna and titanium white on my palette.  I enjoy the experimentation and seeing the colors I can come up with in the paints.

I’m working toward painting on a daily basis.  There is some frustration because the day to day family obligations must be met.  I need a clear head to approach the creative process hence too many distractions does not a painting make or something like that.  :)  It’s always a good feeling and almost a relief when I can finally get down on paper or canvas the idea floating around in my head.  It’s a release because the creative energy is pent up.  I think many artists feel in a similar way.  I would love to hear thoughts on this subject.  The desire to create but other things, life so speak getting in the way.  How does it effect your creative flow.

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