Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Bird Nest

Birds seem to love our house, particularly the window frames to build their nests. For weeks, a bird couple have been busy creating an elaborate nest for their new family. The nest is on top of a window frame on my front porch. I thought I would get a peek inside to see if there were babies. I got out a step ladder and used a mirror, positioning it above the nest so I can see inside. To my delight, I saw these five, brown speckled eggs. My best guess is the eggs are about an inch long. Inside, you can see the bird parents gathered up dried grass and their feathers to cushion the nest.
The birds have not abandoned their eggs. We can see them from our window flying in/out. I'm not sure when the eggs will hatch or the species of the birds. I'll be watching and listening in the coming days for new life to emerge. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a picture of the birds so I can try to identify their species.

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