Monday, January 31, 2011

Art Journal, Week 2

The 2nd week of the art journal project, I brushed gesso over the page.  It created a transparent effect on it.  It seems washed out to me but as I move along in this project, I’m hoping to transform it.

Art Journal Dreams

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chinese Zodiac Dragon

Adding on to the Chinese astrology series is the dragon.  It is a drawing done in red acid free ink and gold leaf.


See this artwork on various products in my Zazzle store.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Chinese Tiger Astrology Art

The Tiger drawing is installment #2 in a series I'm working on for the Chinese astrological zodiac:

In the center of the Tiger's face, is the Chinese symbol for tiger.  The artwork is created with archival red ink and gold leaf.  This art is available on a selection of products at my Zazzle store.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Art Journal Workshop

I'm taking a series of Strathmore workshops online learning about art journaling.  In these samples, I'm using previously created art and expressing it in mixed media format.  It creates a whole new different meaning to the work.  Here are images of the pages I've created so far:

I call this Shattered Dreams

I've not decided on a title for this page.  Hopefully, as I continue to work with it, a title will surface in my mind.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Holding Hands Mixed Media

A while back I did a pencil drawing of an adult hand holding a child's hand.  I put the work aside knowing at some point I would find inspiration to do something more with it.

I recently purchased a tablet for creating digital artwork.  Combining media to create one piece of art is very exciting.  I'm still in the learning curve stage but very happy with the recent result of mixing traditional with digital art.

By coping the pencil drawing and bringing it into my Corel paint software, I was able to add color to the artwork.  I had to guess at skin color but my goal was to show difference.  I wasn't looking for absolute realism; just an idea of it.

Previously, I created a digital heart that I used for different products at my Zazzle stores.  I was suddently inspired to combine the digitally enhanced holding hands drawing with the digital heart to create a new, adoption inspired artwork.  By working with layers in my paintshop program, I was able to make a completely new creation.

Since I'm teaching myself how to create digital art, it's an exercise of trial and error.  I'm really liking the transparent background in the image.  As a result, I can now make fun and exciting designs for products in my Zazzle stores.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Partnering For Charitable Causes

Recently I was contacted by a member from the FCC-Austin, TX chapter (Families With Children From China) requesting a donation of an adoption jewelry design for their upcoming Chinese New Year celebration and silent auction.  Proceeds from their fund raiser will go to various charitable organizations involved in improving the lives of children living in welfare homes in China.  My daughter was born in China and lived in the Yibin welfare home when she was an infant.  Due to the kindness of strangers, lives of children living in orphanages around the world are greatly improved.  I have agreed to partner with their cause by offering the Family Chinese Symbol sterling silver necklace for their fund raising effort.

The auction will take place on  January 22, 2011  at the Covington Middle School, 3700 Convict Hill Road, Austin, TX 78749

As a pledge, my business, Sunfluer's Jewelry Designs will donate 90% from the total proceeds from the sale of the necklace design.  The proeeds will go directly to the Half The Sky Foundation.

I am very happy to have a part in their effort of raising funds to help improve the lives of those less fortunate.  Although my business is small, I give what I can, when I can. 

"I am only one, but I am one.  I cannot do everything, but I can do something.  And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do."  ~Edward Everett Hale ~

Practical Artful Gifts


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